2025-02-06-01 Beaver, goose, squirrel, sparrow, flower, sheepdog, sheep -- drawing.png
2025-02-05-02 Saint-Mary Lake sketch 2 -- drawing.png
2025-01-17-01 Hyperlinking SVGs -- drawing supernote inkscape svg.svg
2025-01-16-01 Organizing my sketches -- drawing pkm supernote sketchnoting.svg
2024-10-17-02 How sketchnotes fit into my personal knowledge management #pkm #sketchnoting #drawing.png
2024-01-10-01 Animating SVG topic maps with Inkscape, Emacs, FFmpeg, and Reveal.js #drawing #emacs #video #workflow.png
2023-12-31-02 Animating sketches #drawing #workflow #animation #video.png
2023-12-30-01 Daily moments #drawing.png
2022-08-25-01 One month with the SuperNote A5X #supernote #drawing #decision-review #tech.png
2022-08-20-07 What do I want from my visual book notes #drawing #kaizen #reading.png
2022-08-12-07 Developing my SuperNote workflow #supernote #drawing.png
2022-08-02-01 Playing with my drawing workflow #supernote #drawing #workflow #sketching #kaizen.png
2021-08-19a Playing with lettering #lettering #sketchnoting #drawing.jpg
2017-01-12b Do index cards still work for me #drawing #zettelkasten.png
2016-12-27a How do I capture ideas #mobile #workflow #emacs #org #drawing #krita.png
2016-12-23d What could better drawing or thinking look like #drawing #kaizen.png
2016-10-27c Drawing workflow review #drawing.png
2016-09-17f Current drawing workflow #drawing #workflow.png
2016-09-17e Drawing workflow - considerations #drawing #workflow.png
2014-08-13 Learning more about drawing - #drawing.png
2014-05-16 How to draw a visual summary of a book #drawing.png
2014-02-27 Art #goals #drawing.png
2013-12-14 Where do I want to go in terms of drawing #drawing.png
2013-12-01 Drawing for others and drawing for myself - note-taking versus note-making #drawing.png
2013-11-21 I've decided to stop caring about pen colour #drawing.png
2013-11-20 More thoughts on drawing for others #drawing #business.png
2013-11-15 Thinking about how I can manage my images more effectively #organization #drawing.png
2013-11-14 What do I focus on when drawing visual notes #drawing.png
2013-11-13 What do I get out of drawing #drawing.png
2013-11-08 How to cheat when animating sketches #drawing #animation.png
2013-11-04 Growing my visual vocabulary #drawing.png
2013-10-30 Playing with style - how do I want to explore #drawing.png
2013-10-28 Drawing on paper versus drawing on my computer #drawing.png
2013-10-25 How I organize and publish my sketches #organization #sharing #drawing.jpg
2013-10-22 My new sketching and thinking workflow, and mindmap comparisons #process #drawing.jpg
2013-10-21 Fitting multiple thoughts on a page #drawing.jpg
2013-10-09 Breaking down my visual vocabulary #drawing.jpg
2013-10-06 Daily drawing - thinking on paper #drawing.jpg
2013-10-04 What would be my ideal daily drawing setup #drawing.jpg
2013-10-04 Drawing and scanning morning pages #drawing.jpg
2013-09-26 Improving my sketchbook use #drawing.jpg
2013-09-23 Converting my sketches to vector #drawing.jpg
2013-07-09 Lettering #drawing.jpg
2013-07-09 Drawing #drawing.jpg
2013-05-17 How I set up Autodesk Sketchbook Pro for sketchnoting #tech #autodesk-sketchbook-pro #drawing.png
Sketches are (c) 2007-2022 Sacha Chua - Creative Commons
Attribution License 4.0 unless otherwise specified. This means you
can freely share and adapt the sketches (even commercially) if you
include attribution and indicate the license and any changes, like this:
(c) 2022 Sacha Chua - Creative Commons attribution license